Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2: Crafty Pups

Around here we have a lot of craft supplies. Every project is an adventure waiting to happen. Tonight Charlie "Junior" found a scrap of bright pink felt and started playing.

Beatrice, being the resident diva, could not be left out of the fun.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1: Beatrice the Water Dog

Fireworks boom in the distance. It's just after midnight. What do you do? Go for a swim, of course! Beatrice started out 2013 with a shower.

About Beatrice365

It's January 1st! I'm Tamara, and the owner of Beatrice and Charlie "Junior," two adorable Poodle puppies. 
The challenge is: Post one photo of the puppies every day for 365 days.

Both puppies are Toy Poodles.  Not the normal looking Poodles, huh?  Everyone who has met the puppies tell me they've never seen Poodles with their coloring.  Well, they're Parti colored. Essentially it means they are a standard Poodle color, like Chocolate, Black, or Apricot, with white.  Beatrice is a Chocolate and white Parti. Junior is Black and white Parti.

I wanted to share photos of my adorable puppies.  Yes, I'll probably gush about them.  A lot . Poodles are just great dogs.  They're little curly companions.  I've never owned a dog that wasn't food driven until I brought home Beatrice at the end of September.  

Challenge or not, this will help me learn my new camera and chronicle the (mis)adventures of the puppies!